"I will release a post which gives abundant reasons for feeling that the globalists are in fact - losing."

Looking forward to that.

The Communists spent 75% (or more) of the funds dedicated to the Viet Nam War right over here in the good ol' USA.

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Yes, they have been winning for a long time - but their are large cracks in their foundations.

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Just beneath concerns about globalisation and world government, I always detect a fear; the fear of loss of our western privilege. The west generally and Amerika specifically, are guilty of the mass appropriation of the wealth of other nations. This began with colonialism and has continued since, at ever greater costs in human lives and environmental destruction. It is not world governmentbwe should fear but the continuation of our unregulated exploitation.

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In your great comment I see the fact that America -despite the all too brief episode of the revolution - has taken the side of the system against the people.

America and every other nation state - who all appear to have sided with capitalism - against the path of becoming a government by and for the people.

Nation states today resemble Rome more than they resemble what they might have wished to become.

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We are finding chinks in Leviathan's armored carapace (MSM, NPR, PBS, BBC, Google, LinkedIn, Twitter, FaucistBook, NYTimes, Regime Schools, Universities, Hospitals, Doctors, Coca-Cola, Tyson, ...). Families are refusing "free" factory schools & are schooling their children; mothers are refusing to vaccinate their innocents; fake meat & soy milk are being disdained for red meat & raw milk; pedophilia & transgenderism are being exposed as crimes; endless war is being questioned; ... ironically, due to covidsteria & lockdowns.

There is much to do, but there is a glimmer, a sliver, of hope as we connect with like-minded individuals that believe that freedom is mankind's only path to long term survival. To quote Jeffrey Tucker writing about Zuckerberg's recent mea culpa, we are being divided & duped:

«This was an earth-shattering decision that goes way beyond managerial cowardice. It goes beyond even election manipulation. It is an outright coup that overthrew an entire generation of leaders who stood up for freedom and replaced them with a generation of leaders who acquiesced to power exactly at the time it mattered the most.»


Like Camus, we should struggle on as a happy Sisyphus, letting our voices become a unifying & unified hymn affirming life.

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