"The currency of the totalitarians is lies." Perfect.

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I highly doubt my remarks will be welcome here, but I will say them, and then leave it be.

It is inaccurate to attribute all the power of covid and vaxx to a shadowy elite. The shadowy guys are largely actors in a script, rather than agents of causation. How can we know this? We know this because the scope and power of covid+vaxx were on a scope and a level beyond the ability of remote players to instigate.

I saw how, in a vision, the shadowy guys were teaming up with forces that transcend the merely physical. Some call it an alien intelligence, some just call it by other names.

So, what you have is not simply an event that can be labelled covid+vaxx, because it has a much longer history, reaches beyond secret govcorp spheres of influence, nor is it controllable by those shadowy guys. If it was, you would be watching a more linear progression, akin to Gaza, rather than the complex and horrific types of events that unfolded.

The reason Covid+vaxx has relented as much as it has is entirely due to remarkable efforts of isolation and burn out. As anyone can see, there is no linear, objective reason for anything to have gone the way it did.

Get used to a radical idea: your hated elites are not the agency here. They are actually more like slaves who do the bidding of what they have discovered.

In the end, mankind is far better served by becoming aware of this mysterious living cosmos and the forces that populate it, than by making up fantasies like Frankenstein for modern audiences.

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Jun 23·edited Jun 23Author

Your idea is not new here at all.

My readers are accustomed to the fact that I see the “elite” as errand boys for the real puppet masters.

And if I am about anything it is about encouraging free speech.

Your ideas are welcome here.

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Thank you, somewhat surprising, especially of late.

We are not simply being conditioned, as perhaps any aware person might agree is happening.

I note that the substance and direction of what I've come to call the waking mind naturally carries its own focus, its own emphasis. This builds a conscious world view, and this is what is being used against us, directly.

I think the standard step is then to look for a culprit, and imagine some other entity filling those shoes, yet it is far more sophisticated than this, because it deals with the nuts and bolts, the bedrock of our conscious experience.

So, understanding the spook side of society is I think a good thing. Certainly its a long term effort, but its only part of the picture, as you say.

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Great points and yes we are being conditioned to blame others and to find other humans to fight against.

They gotta keep us all on a war footing!

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And the worst part is that we fall into this modus operandi so easily, yes?

Maybe we all need a team alert here, or maybe just me, but if we spend our efforts, our emphasis on conflict, when are we going to discover the actual nature of what we're facing? Will we ever do so?

So many throw fetters both physical and psychic upon those who cannot adopt the same views. I see this as the primary antagonistic battleground these days.

So, what I'm saying isn't new, you are correct here. I'm less interested in novelty than I am in comprehension.

I hope, if there is one takeaway for people in all of this, that people simply recall their own innate ability to live, and how powerful this is.

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I believe what we are going through is an enormous change and will lead to things which are positive.

Difficult to see when we are in the midst of this that this could even be true.

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Hmmm, I'm not really certain I can say things are strictly positive or negative. Purely in my own sensibility, the vision of the developing Aeon is open still, unwritten even as it is manifesting.

For many, such things are terrifying. I still observe a hive mind flight into vast institutions that provide comfort and certainty even as they demand one submit.

This is the turn back to the known, rather than the turn to ride with the wind. Does this mean another step into the unknown is near?

Yes, it does.

Fascinating stuff, really.

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this is a very good idea, to place dark beautiful classical music, while one reads...

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Yes, I like it and intend to publish a playlist of music which helps inspire the rhythm of what I write.

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Very nice.. like i read your article, yesterday, while listening to that piece you had placed.

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Thanks so much for reading and being here!

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Thanks so much for reading and being here!

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So appreciate the restack!

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I've often pondered those at the very top: the ones arranging the system of subjugation, calling the shots and designing the incentive and compliance structure that makes all the functionaries below them operate. This Ayn Rand quote has been sticking with me:

“You who’re depraved enough to believe that you could adjust yourself to a mystic’s dictatorship and could please him by obeying his orders—there is no way to please him; when you obey, he will reverse his orders; he seeks obedience for the sake of obedience and destruction for the sake of destruction. You who are craven enough to believe that you can make terms with a mystic by giving in to his extortions—there is no way to buy him off, the bribe he wants is your life, as slowly or as fast as you are willing to give it up—and the monster he seeks to bribe is the hidden blank-out in his mind, which drives him to kill in order not to learn that the death he desires is his own. “You who are innocent enough to believe that the forces let loose in your world today are moved by greed for material plunder—the mystics’ scramble for spoils is only a screen to conceal from their mind the nature of their motive. Wealth is a means of human life, and they clamor for wealth in imitation of living beings, to pretend to themselves that they desire to live. But their swinish indulgence in plundered luxury is not enjoyment, it is escape. They do not want to own your fortune, they want you to lose it; they do not want to succeed, they want you to fail; they do not want to live, they want you to die; they desire nothing, they hate existence, and they keep running, each trying not to learn that the object of his hatred is himself. “You who’ve never grasped the nature of evil, you who describe them as ‘misguided idealists’—may the God you invented forgive you!—they are the essence of evil, they, those anti-living objects who seek, by devouring the world, to fill the selfless zero of their soul. It is not your wealth that they’re after. Theirs is a conspiracy against the mind, which means: against life and man.”

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Scope of the problem. aka The 40,000 Ft View. Bravo KW!

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Yes indeed - we helicopter grandmas - always prefer the high altitude point of view.

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It was a network. US, China, Ukraine, Academia. Now it’s an industry

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But whats the end game? World War lll is right around the corner, does that do the trick?

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Knowledge is power, that is why they want to keep it all for themselves!

“That is the danger here. Extinction is what happens when adaptation fails.”

—Peter Nayland Kust

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Extinction is what the want to happen. No one knew how bad their crimes are, not even know do we really know.

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Good points!

Yes indeed they want all of us extinct - but are they suicidal as well?

Do you really think these sick malignant toxic narcissists are rational enough to know what they want except absolute power and control?

Need to be locked up for protection of self and other!!

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Nope, they are hoping to 'upload' their consciousness to a machine (android) body, and leave the rest behind. Some may already have, didn't the head of the WEC just retire to spend time with his family.

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Wishing and hoping - sounds like a 50’s rock song, lol!

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