Good one. Already prepping us for whatever is supposed to be going on in China.

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Public health crises are historically associated fear, confusion and despair, a point made by Jeremy Howard, the author of the research paper from The Data Institute at the University of California and upon which many governors had relied upon for masking guidance.

Biological warfare is the oldest weapon of mass destruction, but more appropriately weapon of terror, dating back to the Assyrians, and some have argued rather persuasively that even Moses used it.

All warfare is based upon deception, according to Sun Tsu, and surprise is a principle of war. The objective of counterintelligence is to develop a stratagem to deny intelligence to your adversaries, and since most people avoid science and math like the plague, biological warfare has a target rich environment in which discovery of surprises enjoys an extended timeline.

One look at Day One on the archived WHO timeline provided all of the information anyone required to know what was occurring, and over three years later people still are lost in the fog of battle, a success for the virus that has mo brain, accruing a benefit to whoever controls the virus.

Classic example of how biological phenomena thwart human activity is the construction of the Panama Canal, as they attempted to build through the Calebra Cut.

By that time, science was still believing in miasmas and used masks to protect themselves, while the indigenous population believed the gods were angry and bringing down bad air. So, we got a consensus vote on masking guidance, while mosquitoes engaged in coordinated attacks bringing yellow fever and malaria.

Colonel Gorgas and Major Scott had encountered this same field problem in Cuba, and had to practically sue the army and the government to abandon their false perceptions and address the real threat.

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They are in too deep to offer an apology, the program must move on to phase 2 (or is it 3,4, or 5).

One thing is for sure, it was a total success, as measured by the injections. Those of us that refused to get them were expected, and irrelevant, both then and now.

The damage is done.

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The damage is done. But I have a feeling there is still a coming-to-Jesus moment for many of these people - if they live long enough that is.

Of course they won't apologize - toxic narcissists just don't do that.

But there is already a movement afoot to avoid the reality that they knew what they were doing. They will try hard to pass the buck.

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Yep, but it will all be a deception. Even if, and that's a big if, Trump wins the election (or should I say 'selection') and serves 4 years as president, can you imagine all the investigations by Congress, they will stonewall him '6 ways from Sunday.'

The RepubliCONS and the DemocRATS will be the least of his worries, it is the Communists he has to look out for, period.

Jesus is the only answer, we know that, but he comes like a thief in the night.

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There won't be a Nuremberg. The real Nuremberg happened because Germany was soundly defeated by a powerful group of Allies. In 2020 all countries except Tanzania are officially part of the Axis.. Even if Tanzania wanted to run a Nuremberg it couldn't.

The real Nuremberg was unique in history. No genocide had ever been punished before, and no genocide was punished after. We DIDN'T punish Japan, which had been genociding Asia for 30 years before Hitler came along, with considerably more death and more vicious tortures.

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We shall see. Pretty difficult to hide a planetary totalitarian takeover and associated genocide from the world. If it is that far gone none of this will matter anyway. I personally cannot think that is true - but we all must take this at our own speed.

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