Another great post KW, thank you once again. Are some of the images used here AI generated, and if so I was wondering what was your rationale for using them? Thanks once again, loved it! πŸ™πŸ’œπŸ™

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I answered this once but cannot fine it, lol! So I repeat what I thought I wrote...

Some of these images are undoubtably AI generated.

I am not a talented enough photographer or illustrator to do my own images.

I find them from readily available sources.

I judge them by the emotional content - as I would judge any other creative work.

I am not against technology or AI per se - but against how we may be affected by technology for ill or for good.

Right now it appears we may have to ditch AI because we cannot handle it as society to use it as a force for mutual benefit.

At the same time we must recognize that AI is a tool - and that it is our totalitarian leaders and billionaires who are the problem - those defenders of the status quo.

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YUCK. I HATE ai art.

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Saw a great explain of not being able to have one side without the other; one defines the other into a singularity; a single opposing side.

Dark Lords; I suggest a way to win; stop speaking in their tongue, the spelling class you attended was to transform the meaning of words, into a blissful array of 'niceties. Their language is designed to hide the truth; using an artificial light, within a darkness we define as a rabbit hole.

Even the question to gain insight, is marred in challenge; going down a rabbit hole; psychologically no one wants to go down a hole; so they revert to stay in what they believe is on the surface.

The word combination/spell, to activate interest is, 'do you want out of the rabbit hole, for knowledge brings u into the light, that magically is said to be ascension...

Opinion/experience is a mirror; "mirror mirror on the wall". That being, all is the very opposite, and must be for the lie to work in the first place, there can be no doubt. You will need, a re-educational system, medical to sedate, and a programming mechanism to contain, so as to drain; our social sewage system, people think is the matrix sadly.

All first begins in the mind, where the devil lays. We are aware, the dark forces are those who call their conspiracy's, theories. That is not a lie; they were theories until put into practice.

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Thanks for reading and for commenting!

Yes - the answer lies in inner revolution - the only thing which can lead to a real world outer revolution.

As above, so below.

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Appreciate you reading and restacking!

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Thank you! Such an important message for us to remember. Where we place our focus determines what we create. "As we continue to follow our own path of feeling and logic toward the light - we turn away from - and remove power from - the dark lords." Within the darkness are the very seeds that can catalyze our evolution and wake us up to dream a different dream.

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Jun 18Liked by KW NORTON

AI doesn’t worry me. Like any new tool we have to learn how to use it for good.

We have to know how it can be dangerous.

Just look at the car.

Transportation changed lives. It provided us with goods and services we were once unable to access. Yet car accidents kill thousands a year.

Besides you used AI images in your post?

If it’s so bad why did you choose to do that?

The dark lords as you call them lose all control when we stop giving them our energy and attention!

That’s one of the biggest issues we have right now- people are more tuned into the dark than the light.

But it’s shifting

We have the internet to connect us more, but the internet also has the power to divide us.

It’s all about how we use our tools.

A hammer can build a house or be used as a weapon to kill.

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Love this...

β€œOnly when the last tree has been cut down,

the last fish been caught,

and the last stream poisoned,

will we realize that money cannot be eaten.”

I so much love Native Americans...


About AI and the AI war... warning about this also for years.


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For Boomers, a regular television show - Rin Tin Tin - provided the White Buffalo legend from the perspective of the Tribe. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=pVhv4tGL-RA

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Pretty inaccurate rendering of the tale - as we would all expect! LOL.

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Here is the video…https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=aAtFIdNYjGY

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Thanks for linking.

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