
Thank you for reading and restacking!

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Very well done and I enjoyed and appreciated what you stated!

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Jun 26·edited Jun 26Liked by KW NORTON

"These require personal discipline and responsibility - but given these - are readily accessible by each of us without the intercession of some holier-than-thou priest or other medium." Yeah, the papal infallibility thing alone sounds like it would have to stand on an immensely solid supernatural foundation to work (maybe it does; they say one old pope died before he was able to make some strange changes, or something), but even more than that, the fact that the current one talks to Joe Biden rather than excommunicating him for going against the Catechism with abortion is telling.

They might say that the crucifixion helped enlighten the Roman culture, but it doesn't seem that way, to me.

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Jun 26Liked by KW NORTON

Christ organized His church

He has 12 apostles

He had Seventies

Members paid tithes and offerings

He followed Roman law and paid taxes

Members contributed their excess to the church

Of Christ had an organized church then and

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That is great opinion and many have this view.

It is not mine - nor does history necessarily support this view - but everyone has the right to their own opinion.

Thanks for reading and commenting.

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my position is that it will take a change in human nature in order to be able to respond appropriately to this threat.

Something much more radical and fundamental than most people ever begin to consider:


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If all else fails, we can whip the horses' eyes!

What song is that from KW? Or at least, what band?

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Which song are you referring to ??

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"If all else fails, we can whip the horses' eyes!"

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The real injustice was forcing him to plead guilty to a felony when all he did was publish leaks any journalist from the New York Times to any other corporate or even independent press is supposed to do. I don't blame him for doing it, they basically put him on a cross and he had no choice but accede to their will so that they would bring him down. But now the very fabric of journalism has been rent and given legal precedent for publishers/journalists who leak secrets of the US government to be open to prosecution. That's the, as Paul Harvey would say, The Rest of the Story.

One knit, I think you mixed up 5th Column with the 4th Estate.

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Did I write fifth column instead of fifth estate? Will check!


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Oh wait. I didn't realize your were referencing a movie. The journalism field has historically been called the 4th Estate, if my memory serves me, and it just seemed an easy two things to get mixed up since a 5th Column is also a historical term for political infiltration. It just confused me is all.

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Thanks for the information. Terminology - have found it impossible to sort it all out!

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That they'd make a movie titled The 5th Estate lights up my "conspiracy" goggles. Talk about muddying the waters! You couldn't have picked a better mash up of terms to cause just this type of misunderstanding if you tried.

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Agree - the whole thing sets off my conspiracy antenna. This whole thing is a mash up!

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KW, I know you have talked about this, it feels seems appears wrong. I used to think it was a hangover from my stroke but it's more than that. It is not limited in any way, it just feels WRONG.

Like there is something clouding the view that is innate in it.

Physical reality has been changed, imperceptible to many, but it is there.

Maybe we have entered the 7 year period, maybe we entered it dozens of year ago, but it is here now, of that I am sure, we may see things as it gets closer, strange things.

Thank you for your efforts, and any illumination you can shed on this.


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The last book of the Bible is Revelation. Taking two course under a learned spiritual Christian has made me realize God’s plan is unfolding. Real Evil is upon us all, and as you said, KW, we must resist and remain strong in our faith. I will not comply. I continue to pray that God will turn this around, but it looks doubtful. He holds the path forward, and only our strong faith in his promises will get us through the vail to Heaven. I have been blessed on my Earth journey, and I am eternally grateful to God for these blessings. I have had loss, medical trials, and heartaches, but I keep my eyes on Jesus. He has carried me through, and I trust His plan. My church is not compromised, and we have brilliant scholars, as our teachers;. Men who truly love God and teach His word from the Bible. Only God’s words are taught, not human ideas. It is not a feel good church, but a “real love” for our Heavenly Father , we know God is with us through this battle, whatever it may bring. I pray that more people will find the love of God in their hearts , and trust. God states many times throughout the Bible—- DO NOT FEAR. He will carry those who love Him through this time, and He has certainly done this for me, and my friends. I pray for all those who can’t believe in our God, who created us in His image.

May they hear his call, and feel his love in their hearts and souls.We are only travelers over this Earth. Going home to God is where true peace forever can be found. To all who read this today; May you know in your soul how much God loves you. Pray today to God, and ask God to save you, forgive you, and give you His Holy Spirit to trust Him, and resist evil—-and to save our country and Earth.

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Good comment which speaks for many. Thank you for reading and writing your comment.

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You are a beautiful, gifted writer KW. Thank you for what you give to your readers. 🥰

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Thank you so much for reading and for your beautiful comments.

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This is by far the best article I have read from you...

"I cannot escape the feeling that just about everything we are seeing right now is an attempt to distract us from what is actually going on."

And I agree every word.

Yesterday I came across this article in which they use a lab grown AI computer.

This technology may be at it's infant stage but I immediately realized the capabilities of it... and the future they want to create.

It is beyond evil.

They are beyond evil.


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Thank you so much. Maybe I'm evolving!

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If I am honest... I think you are.

Nothing wrong with Christianity but it is a very narrow pov and most do dismiss anything that contradicts their believe.

If it doesn't fit... they dismiss it...

You did evolve as such that you consider other points which are always there... more open minded I would say.

And that IMO is a very good thing.

And of course I love that you see the shamanic view as I am a great admirer of Native American Spirit Music and culture.

After all I am a wild hearted son!!!


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Fritz, they may need to redefine EVIL.

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