Straighten me out - are you saying that Paine denied American exceptionalism? That's not what I have gathered. Also, America is exceptional - not its people, though they have a responsibility to rise to the level of their privilege. America is exceptional because there is no place else like it on earth in terms of the structure of its constitution and how it came to be a nation. Immigrants (legal ones and probably illegal as well) take note of this difference (exception) when they enter the country. Saying that America is the exception is not jingoism or braggadocios or even exclusionary. The desire has always been that all the world's peoples could experience liberty the way God intended it. America is "exceptional" because it is the only place on earth one has been able to find freedom, the only place where the government has been restricted by the God-given rights of the people. We are still the country everyone runs to - for now.

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This like everything else is determined by our point of view. Paine saw the American cause as exceptional and directly from his words the cause of all mankind. Neither Paine or Jesus saw exceptionalism as valid.

Are we the country every one runs too? Clue me in on this one please.

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You make an excellent point! "Exceptionalism" does not have to be a "dirty word" and does not have to exclude a love for national sovereignty, anymore than the right of individual sovereignty; as you astutely point out, as I understand you, exceptional is the ideal embodied in the words of the Declaration of Independence (and Constitution) and if a People or nation believes those words, then they must live and act by those very words(as America's forefathers did!) ; as you astutely state, having the responsibility " to rise to the level of their privilege." This does not contradict the argument that the American ideal is also, and has always been, a universal aspiration and grounded in what we hold dear as a common humanity; both the American Revolution and Civil War are testament to the fact that these were not solely national conflicts but, in fact, humanity's battles on behalf of the "God-given rights of the people" to be free from tyrannical rule and be united in mutual human dignity. Amen.

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Yes, exactly. You said it better than me and thank you.

We should be rightfully proud of what our ancestors and we worked toward. That they failed - as we currently seem to be failing - is another story. But refusing to give up on the things about America that are worthy is not exceptionalism but bravery.

Exceptionalism - to me anyway - means we believe we are superior to someone else.

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It was exceptional at its founding, in the way it was founded, and that has nothing to do with “thinking we are better” than others. It worked for a time. Until there was too much comfort and too much distraction for the people to stay involved in the process of governing. Once our sinful human nature started taking us off course, and away from God and biblical principles, we were on the road to destruction. Still, as compared to most other countries, we do have more freedoms and opportunities and many still come here for those reasons. However we are in a death spiral and I don’t believe there is any way to stop it. We kicked God out and He has removed His hand of blessing that we had when we founded this country on His ways. I completely believe we are under judgment now.

Everyone made very good points, but in my opinion it is a mistake to equate the original term American Exceptionalism with the belief that Americans, or at this point America, is better than other people or people groups or nations. We were exceptional, as our founding was exceptional, as in, like no other before it, or since, now we have lost most of what made America exceptional (in a word, God) and the remaining fragments are soon to disappear as well.

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Very insightfully stated!

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It is all in our point of view of course. But the point I will stick with is that there has been a trail of American exceptionalism. People we may not otherwise have made enemies of become enemies. I see no saintly Christian imperatives in our nations actions. For those Americans who really believe they possess a saintly Christian exceptionalism I recommend watching the film The Passion Of Christ or some such review of the man this saintly religion is based on. Does the American government’s action to that of her people stand in support of Jesus? There is no god we can imagine which made America or which can make America or any other nation truly exceptional. We, not god, are responsible for our actions.

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America is exceptional because there is no place else like it on earth in terms of the structure of its constitution and how it came to be a nation. I agree with this statement. What got me in trouble the last 40 years was believing we are spreading our constitution to other countries. We are not, our government bullies other countries in war, economically and many other ways. I believed we were exceptional. No we elected and selected criminals to run the country in most cases and they exploited other nations. Now we as a nation our at the crossroads, I hope we choose a wise path and do not end up as a Greek tragedy in a history book.

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Great comment. You are right that understanding how we have been exceptional - in standing for an exceptional idea - is the key. This idea as Paine articulates is exceptional and the cause of all mankind.

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The USA is unique although not exceptional. We represent the world through the lens of our homegrown democracy. We are still an experiment that is barely 250 years old. We are a relatively young country that is currently divided like no other time since the civil war. We have accomplished much but the most difficult part of the path lies ahead. We have a lot of work to do to unite this troubled country and move on to a higher form of democracy, "a more perfect union".

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Excellent comment thanks. All too true.

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Very insightfully stated!

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Exceptionalism means this country is the exception, the dictionary says it is the condition of being different from the norm.. It doesn't mean that we think we are better people, it means we have a unique form of government that is the exception in history. You could even call it an experiment. The media has twisted the definition of the word.

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You are right. And great comment. It has been and remains a great experiment. The cause as Paine expressed is the cause of mankind. America will always be exceptional if she can stand as a nation for exceptional ideas which could - if accepted - power the world.

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How many Exceptions can fit on the head of a pin? I don't know, or care to know. I do know people will chew a pending question to death, rather than just make a decision. "To Be or Not to Be?" Perhaps to Be WHAT? should be included. That's the question for "the man in the mirror" and I did like that Michael Jackson song.

To debate the course of a country is beneficial, only when our personal To Be What? is answered, imo.

It's not an easy answer, because If It Had Been Answered...... We/Me/You would not currently be living in this USSA.

Americans like KW have fought and perservered through thick and thin for a better future. Time for Activity in whatever is your field of choice, while We/Me/You still have "A Chance". We always retain the power of "Choice"........

Answer Quickly, Decision Time is Here ...... Are You/Me/We "willing" to lay down your immediate life for an Ideal? of Life,Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness??? for Yourself or your Posterity?

Simple enough???

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Thanks KW. Another Great Post.

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