The problem , KW, is that half the population feels that one set of leaders is abusing them and the other half feels that they are being abused by the other set of leaders, and they will never come to anything close to agreement on who is doing the abusing and what constitutes the abuse.

I would be interested in hearing if you agree and how that can be resolved, in f it can be short of a national no fault divorce or civil war. The clip of JRB at a post debate rally and Al Sharpton on MSNBC are not hopeful signs.

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How about these politicians are receiving money from the same sources. This is not merely a strange coincidence. The purpose of this funding is to control a narrative. It is also to cause chaos through disagreement.

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Jul 1Liked by KW NORTON

We are not passive in this, while I grant that money influences, we all have moral agency and will be held responsible for our choices.

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I am not being a naysayer or a defeatist, yet I see problems with many political systems. I, truly think moral agency and ethics are important in politics. Yet, I sadly see the ongoing deterioration of moral agency. The deteriorating morals easily bring about the wrong candidates. I also see lobbyists as a troubling aspect in politics. Unfortunately, special interests with money can influence.

Change happens at the grassroots and local level. The public need to be informed and stay informed. MSM is not always the most informative, yet it is to research from different sources. People need to talk to their neighbors to promote their values at all levels of government. Active participation like researching candidates and platforms. People need to reach out to candidates through phone calls and emails.Concerns can be addressed through petitions and social activism if needed. If one thinks they can be a candidate, they should run for office.

I am concerned also about Agenda 2030, Net-zero policies, censorship and the pandemic agreement between the US, Canada and Mexico.

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Jul 1Liked by KW NORTON

Agree with all you say; in it all, I take comfort that God is in control (though it seems hard to believe), He is Good, knows the End from the beginning, and He wins in the end.

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God is the answer

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Great comment and agree that God is in charge.

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It is not being a naysayer or defeatist to see problems - very likely insolvable problems - with our political systems.

I have been writing about this for several years and now see it as the cumulative effect of our civilizations.

I frankly do not see a political solution within our current system.

The system is the problem.

Morals are important and if people actually followed spiritual teachings this would change the world.

But our systems work against our following the spiritual teachings.

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Jul 1Liked by KW NORTON

Naked, angry old men will be defeated in the end.

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That clip of Joe Biden overdosed on some stimulant, denying the reality of his dementia and Al Sharpton encouraging him is truly frightening. I don’t know if Al is that delusional or if it’s just what he feels he needs to say to keep Joe in the race. I am sure that Biden doesn’t recall the debate, and I hope someone in the Democrat party leadership has the cajones and the patriotism and honor to show him the undoctored video of the debate, because otherwise he will just rage on. My mother got dementia from Creutzfeldt Jacob disease and she didn’t recognize how demented she was and when confronted with it, she would get quite nasty. Fortunately, she never had the nuclear foot ball.

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Are Destroying Themselves

And One Another.

Why ?

Because They Are Each

Their Own Answer.

‘Living In A World

Where The Right Questions

Are Never Asked.

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Jun 30Liked by KW NORTON

The world can't afford another World War. Jibberish Joe seems to not care and supports US policy that is moving us in that direction. It was a Mud slinging contest! Voters want to hear rational discussions on negative Biden policies that are interfering with their family lives. Nothing more important than knowing how we will avoid WWIII that will consume their sons and daughters! Biden is bringing back the draft in preparation for the war effort! M/I-CIA pulling Biden’s strings? Biden from day one in public service was self centered and unprincipled! WWIII may be the apocalypse that terminates life on earth. My view.

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Agree Biden is a warmongering master of corruption. WW III may well be the end.

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Jun 30·edited Jun 30Liked by KW NORTON

Great essay! However, can't that picture of naked old men running the world out of my head now.😂

As far as the evil people running the world, like the scorpion, I'd what they do. However, your doctor who should have or did know better but was too cowardly to tell you the truth about what was going on?

THAT was evil!

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Brain washed and living in fear like most of the global population.

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And imagine - it is an accepted children's story!

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