Jul 1Liked by KW NORTON

Scientifically speaking our universe is made up of 95% invisible "dark" matter and energy combined. that's a pretty big question mark and a good indication of something else... taken into account with the millions of near death experiences (reported to NIH since cardiac resuscitation came about in the 1950s), the consensus seems to be that death is not the end, and that on the other side we will experience our entire lives from the perspective of others who we've helped or harmed...actual karma. However, apparently this is done without judgment, instead with the understanding that "life is a classroom not a courtroom". Still I would be embarrassed if I were some of these psychopathic kleptocrats and their allies when they realize they have been winning at the wrong game. I do see people waking up en mass from the the divide-and-rule death cult propaganda brainwashing. I just hope these criminals don't double down on apocolypsing us all before Tadodaho is transformed...

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Thank you for restacking!

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Positively Disintegrating to create the new Mii that is constantly growing and striving to be the best version of incarnation that my Spirit came to Be. Thank you for supporting the ideas that Wii are the solution that is coming to change the planet, become stars. Yes Wii are the catalysts, the igniters of the flames that, when lit up and shining bright, will create paradise again. Our job is great but so are Wii, our fate is destined to be free and to right the wrongs in history. Let us join as One to fight the evil that grows through the nights.


Will you become a SuperHero when civilization calls for Truthful Leaders? Just Fantasy?

Massive wealth is changing hands to minds that may decide to plan for what can happen when Wii all Unite. Join the fight to free Mankind and leave these evil times behind.

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Yes we are all called to be living through these tumultuous times of transformation and the birthing pains that endure. I am reminded one of my favorite art teachers told me in college: "No matter what the subject matter is, you are always conveying the same thing. Light."

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"God sleeps in the minerals, dreams in the flowers, awakens in the animals, and in man knows that He is awake.”

― Paramhansa Yogananda

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Beautiful comment - thank you!!

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"even if like some we believe we have become death - destroyer of worlds"

Yes, what a ridiculous thought, we can not even destroy ourselves, some fraction would survive the attempt, and it wouldn't be the 'Elite,' furthest thing from it instead.

Thanks KW, we are all in this together, and together, with or without the 'Elite,' we will succeed.

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Great comment and we are indeed all overcoming our limitations.

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