Jul 3Liked by KW NORTON

God and Jesus!

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Jul 2Liked by KW NORTON

Beautiful, KW - yes, yes, it is up to us - it happens one by one - the Holy Spirit shines within. Watch a Trump rally and we witness such genuine happiness and enthusiasm beaming from each face in the crowd. There is music and laughter and fun and positive energy. Those merry bands of supporters are doing it! Yes, these goodhearted, honest, sincere believers in freedom, balance, decency, and honesty with minds of their own, able to think for for themselves - who know right from wrong - and strive for goodness - and don't tear down anyone or anything. THIS is the Way - walk ye in it! The divine, innocent Spirit will win - and will keep 'winning.'

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The war in Ukraine must end NOW.

Ukraine must accept defeat and the condition Russia presents.

NATO must retreat from any border state bordering Russia.

The war in Israel must end NOW.

All ties with Israel must be cut NOW.

All financial support with Israel must stop now.

All Governments must be audited and all Information made publicly available unredacted.

This includes all CIA Operations and all black budget Operations.

And of course the Epstein Client list in full.

All the secret Videos of Epstein & Epstein Island.

All the Videos confiscated in Washington DC on 9/11 2001.

All Military must stand down and return to port.

All Police and Military must stand down in support of we the people until all traitors are imprisoned and punished.

All Politicians should be under house arrest until this conflict is solved.


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Jul 1·edited Jul 3Liked by KW NORTON

From an astrological standpoint, big changes are brewing within the solar system and our planetary consciousness, as Neptune ends its 14 year transit and Saturn ends its 2.6 year transit in the sign undoings and endings-Pisces, where woke-waves of chaos and delusion have kept humanity confused and looking for God's peace. Next June of 2025; these planets will together enter the sign of Aries where all big beginnings take off. While at the same time Uranus will end its 8 year transit through Taurus, where it has been very stuck, and move into the sign of Gemini--free communication for all! And with Pluto having made its final entry into Aquarius in November until 2044, planet Earth and all of us earthlings should be feeling a bit of a buzz, even if it is fleeting, at some level in our lives. In fact, some of you may have felt a spark of this at the beginning of June when there was a big gathering of people around the world in Geneva, Switzerland to protest the WHO. . . Nevertheless, the exciting changes that are powerfully stirring are not going to happen over night. First, ladies and gentlemen, brothers and sisters, we have to stay in the boat, and keep it afloat as we encounter the tsunamis, drownings and wind storms. One very "good for justice" planetary change, is Jupiter has now moved into Gemini. Meaning, Jupiter brings justice to chaos, and unlawful business as usual illegal-dom, It is now playing a big role in the new SCOTUS rulings! see Jeff Childers Coffee & Covid, "Devastating" News from yesterday.The internet is alive with excitement as we hear about what just took place, and I don't mean the debate . . I sincerely resonate with you KW! It is up to each of us to make the needed transformations, alone and together . . Thank you!


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Jul 1Liked by KW NORTON

The way I see it, the World will only survive if the Western empire dies, as the cancer has spread too deep!

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That may be true that it is time for certain maladaptive systems to end - and not just “Western”?

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We’re going to teach as many as possible to use their best BS detector so to be deceived less often.

Make efforts daily to open the minds and the hearts of the woke and all others who’ve been deceived.

We The People can do it so let’s all continue to give our best & have faith

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Yes!!! I agree !!!

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Very prescient question KW. Kudos!

in context, i send you an audio-book, which is trying to make sense of the incoming (WW3)


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Are Destroying Themselves

And One Another.

Why ?

Because They Are Each

Their Own Answer.

Living In A World

Where The Right Questions

Are Never Asked.

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I have hope. I'm almost through reading "Danger Close", Patrick Byrne's book that outlines step by step his involvement in exposing the corruption within the U.S. government. He was lied to. (duh) He was asked to do some shady business that he was told was necessary and good. So he accomplished the work, then found out he'd been used by the directors of the FBI and CIA, and his life was threatened if he opened his mouth. His goal changed. He knew he could bring about a 'sting', and boy, did he ever!

I HOPE his work will bring down the demonic forces who want to destroy We The People, and I do understand that this is not just one nation's people but every person who wants rights and freedoms that were given to them by God. I hope that there are people who are on the side of prosperity and peace, not driven by money and power. I hope that we will someday RECOGNIZE truth. Right now, we are so bombarded with information that is hard to decipher from hour to hour. Roseanne Barr's podcast on BitChute, features a two part interview with Byrne. (episodes 53 and 54) I watched both which were full of info, but the book has even more details.

I need hope. I want it, I look for it, and I will always have it, God willing. Hope is not able to exist on its own though. Faith and Love must nurture it! That's the hard part. Life without hope is a hollow life and maybe some people are okay with hollow.

Thank you, KW for your words. I think you are committed to seeking information and seeking a better world through sharing truth with others.

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The time for God is likely now.

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"We are the ones we have been waiting for"...exactly, and that "waiting" began in the Garden where Adam and Eve were tested by the Creator and failed, just as much of humanity has failed ever since; and what we are waiting for is the recognition and development of responsibility for the gift of life that was granted to all of us; we are unfinished human beings in both the psychological and spiritual sense and have never fulfilled our destiny to become fully human; "I am now giving you the choice between life and death, between God's blessing and God's curse, and I call heaven and earth to witness the choice you make. Choose life." (Deuteronomy 30:19) The choice was always clear but has to be an individual one which begins and ends with personal sovereignty and responsibility which the purveyors of death want to destroy at all costs by keeping us collectively stupid and vulnerable; " the inner liberation of man begins by living RESPONSIBLY before God. Only then may stupidity be overcome." (Bonhoeffer)

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We've been cunningly brainwashed through a song written by a satanist, Freemason, Zionist and I've repeatedly written about this--GOD BLESS AMERICA. Sing it 24/7 X 365 and God is not going to bless America. Why? We're responsible for the condition its in. I'd think He'd say, YOU FIX IT. YOU CLEAN IT UP AND STOP SINGING THAT SONG! I agree, but NFL football starts in six weeks.

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Mike, can you please link to any info on Irving Berlin? Many thanks.

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Yes, we all have lots of rationalizations for these terrible times. It is all too easy to fall victim to it! Doubt if any trustworthy deity would tell us anything but to clean up our act.

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Yep, and thus it will not be saved. We have shown that we will not even protect our own children, so it is hard to believe we will protect any abstract idea of America.

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This is not about some abstract idea of America. It is about choosing extinction - or not.

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I doubt there are enough people who realize that. To most, I think it is nothing but an abstract idea.

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Yes I agree. People in general are a stiff necked bunch as God would say in scripture. We forget easily the good things and seems like we thrive on the bad things. Some start a journey on the path that leads to eternal life and stay there for a time …next thing you know that path just isn’t enough for them. They move on and if you ask them about it they say … ‘Oh I’ve been there and done that. I’ve moved on now.’ Like it was just a thing they experienced. Not reading the Bible is a huge mistake. That’s what is missing. The relationship with God.

Everyone …no matter what walk of life you choose you WILL KNOW WHO GOD IS … BEFORE ITS ALL OVER.

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Jun 30Liked by KW NORTON

The people have been propagandized to choose the agendas they have been fed. They will not know what to do. Thus the world will end.

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They may indeed as people always either choose their fate or receive one they deserve. It is either up to us or up to no one.

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Appreciate the restack!

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Jun 30Liked by KW NORTON


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Jun 30·edited Jun 30

God bless you, Rhonda. No better stated. It might just be that this is the road to the end. It has to end at some point.

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Agree 100%- and we who have been created by God.

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Jun 30Liked by KW NORTON

Only...only if He so chooses. Humanity is deserving of this for it's sinful lifestyle.

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Jun 30Liked by KW NORTON

Ummmm, most of humanity doesn't live a 'sinful lifestyle'. They just work to live and try to spend the small amount of time they have with their loved ones. Are the animals that are being affected by the spraying, EMF's and jabbing deserving of this??? If he so chooses?? Who tf is he?????? Serious question.

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We're all 'sinners' but even the 'good' (suffer with the bad/evil. Sin entered into the world and it brought about the fall of humanity and every kind of evil imaginable; a lot of which we are witnessing as I write this. By and large this society/world has become very decadent. I like to refer to it as Sodom and Gomorrah on steroids. Animals suffer as a result of humanities iniquities just as humanity does. Regards your question about 'He' read Rhonda's comment; first on this page. Be well, Sotogirl.

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That is also a choice!

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Jun 30Liked by KW NORTON

Yes, a choice of Divine Providence for it has seen all of this from all of eternity. Nothing is hidden from Almighty God and nothing occurs with His allowing for it to occur. As I have always been taught the good God does not allow an evil to occur without a greater good coming forth from it. If and what that might be in this instance I have no idea.

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