If it's a false flag attack, turn to the experts on false flags: Mossad, CIA, and MI6.

It has the feel of a revenge attack because innocent people were hurt and killed. Think ruthless Mossad.

But a potbellied shooter is not military. Think partisan of some kind.

Linking the nebulous clues, my money is on a joint Mossad/CIA/MI6 infiltration of anti-Putin fanatics. This being so, Russian intelligence will certainly track them down, if they have not already. I think they will only find dead bodies. Mossad dislikes loose ends on false flags.

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You can bet your last dollar on US behind the scenes involvement in this. The west needs war to cover up their covid and financial crimes. People are waking up to how we have been had, the criminals in charge need a diversion and World War is that.

Think about this: If this happened in Russia where they have no real invaders just what is going to happen here stateside where Biden and the open borders crowd is literally flying terrorists into the interior of the USA

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Mar 23·edited Mar 23Liked by KW NORTON

"Made in the USA" in Russia and China.

False Flag if I've ever seen one! Period!

Reminds me of the apartment bombings (a false flag)!

Reminds me of the Beslam School Siege (a false flag)!

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As an American, I am also ashamed.

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Yet another post to add to round out what we know of this attack so far.


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Thank you KW for your excellent analysis and compilation of information. I am just getting going here in the Wales but will watch all of the videos you have shared.

I would be surprised if it wasn't the bloodthirsty West who are responsible for this most likely false flag terror event when they have lost their purposefully created war in Ukraine. It is telling that the Mockingbird media is alleging that Hamas and/or ISIS are responsible when we know that the CIA was responsible for creating El Qaeda and ISIS, supported by the UK. Mossad is also often involved with such activities creating an evil triad involved in sponsoring and creating terror groups and events.

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State Sponsored Terrorism... made in USA / Israel.

This one I wrote last year.

As the world moves ever faster into a globalist made Nightmare or as I tell everyone into a Fascist Jewish Global Dictatorship based on racial inequality slavery and mid control I think it is fair to revisit Arthur Eric Blair and his brilliant novel that so exposes their plan of world domination.

And if you think it is Antisemitic to expose those Jewish Nazis, I don't care.

I believe the Jews behind that are worse than Nazis... they are Zionists.

And Zionism is the Big Brother of Fascism... Zionism created the Siamese Twins of total control, the Nazis and Communists alike.


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