Thank you for releasing the vibrations of this beautiful and important message into the great web. May it connect to other such messages and contribute to expanding the consciousness it contains.
Evidently the life force of humankind includes an open future with an engineered human species dominant over many other engineered species. 10,000 years from now and later after learning how to do the trip perhaps many greatly altered beings stemming from Homo Sapiens Sapiens (an oxymoron) will wish to return to a non machined organism and decide to return to this world line as to prevent the engineering--hence UFO's, abductions, the stories.
Great comment thanks. You hit a nail on the head I didn't address in this post - which is fear of change. Any yet change is the way of the universe. Balance is the key and is what the universe naturally moves to reinstate. Hopefully we can negotiate these changes postitively.
Thank you for releasing the vibrations of this beautiful and important message into the great web. May it connect to other such messages and contribute to expanding the consciousness it contains.
Great comment thanks and my the ripples of expanding consciousness expand infinitely for all life in this place.
Beautiful post. Thank you.
Voltaire — 'I have never made but one prayer to God, a very short one: Oh Lord, make my enemies ridiculous. And God granted it.
Evidently the life force of humankind includes an open future with an engineered human species dominant over many other engineered species. 10,000 years from now and later after learning how to do the trip perhaps many greatly altered beings stemming from Homo Sapiens Sapiens (an oxymoron) will wish to return to a non machined organism and decide to return to this world line as to prevent the engineering--hence UFO's, abductions, the stories.
I kinda follow where you're going with your UFO theory. I like that.
So true this is what we are being engineered to accept.
Great comment thanks. You hit a nail on the head I didn't address in this post - which is fear of change. Any yet change is the way of the universe. Balance is the key and is what the universe naturally moves to reinstate. Hopefully we can negotiate these changes postitively.