Is there a message here to remind everyone that whistle blowers should keep their mouth shut!

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On the dot. Lincoln's war was a Sorosian revolution in modern terms, with the agents of change placed well in advance, funded and armed to set up the conflict. The prime movers were New England manufacturers who wanted to spread their form of sweatshop slavery into the newly opening West. The new form, started in England in the 1700s, gave no security at all to the workers. The old feudal system had two-way obligations: the employer had to support the families for life, including children and the elderly. The new sweatshop system was sold as "rights' for the workers, but in fact the workers only had the "right" to starve and the employers had the "right" to starve them.


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Great comment thanks. Rapidly becoming apparent that repeating our history is not going to be beneficial to anyone.


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https://youtu.be/6GJCMpAB71g?t=6 – The Philosophy of Jacques Ellul The Technological Society Lecture 2 Characterology of Technique

Jacques Ellul posits that technique is a metaphysical manifestation of Satan ie ultimate evil. This is a complex issue that must be read in the words of Ellul.

A truly fascinating read.

Also relevant is, 'The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind'

A1976 book by the Princeton psychologist, psychohistorian and consciousness theorist Julian Jaynes. It explores the nature of consciousness – particularly "the ability to introspect"

The critical importance of Metaphor is discovered when reading this book.


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Thank you so much for your erudite comments. I will watch the video. I read Jaynes many years ago. Will take another look.

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I've got to get me one of those 'secret decoder rings' before Apple ruins them.

It's a real shame that 'slavery' had not died yet, before America came along. "But who would have built America then?" I hear Joe Biden say. Just like the Mexicans say "We want the parts of America back with roads, cities and power plants, not the empty desert."

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Lol! Send me the cereal box coupons and the secret decoder ring is yours.

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