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Maybe some answers can be found here? I'm open to that discussion!

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Me think you have answered it already.

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The only way is OUT but easier said than done, right? Lots of deprogramming and reprogramming to be accomplished? We need an army of psychiatrists, lol.

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Or maybe act like the Quakers!?

"In fighting force and intimidation, we seek to improve the human experience. We seek to liberate humanity from the desire to dominate and own other humans. This is the root of the abolitionist cause, to bring freedom to those who cannot fight for themselves.

It should be noted that the desire to dominate other humans is the very foundation of slavery. One cannot be a slave master without the desire to own and dominate other humans. The two are inseparable. And using economic domination/intimidation by threatening a person’s livelihood for the purpose of making a political statement is one aspect of enslavement.

Make no mistake, every evil committed by our forefathers was justified by the myth that it was for the greater good of society".


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The Quakers did pretty well but I had tons of kleptocrat ancestors who were Quakers. They didn't all live the teachings. Spirituality helps - and community - but I know lots of codependents who latch onto whichever brand of religion or spirituality they prefer. They never really get it.

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Free will, I guess. As long as they don't harm others, they can live as they want?

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I am reading a book by Simon Elmer in which he describes what has been happening as fascism.

"In The Road to Fascism, Elmer argues Western societies are now rapidly heading towards fascist totalitarianism, powered by the fourth industrial revolution and pushed on by oligarchs and bureaucratic power. After the fall of the Soviet Union we have become oblivious to the dangers of a totalitarianism that doesn‘t originate on the Left; the naïve liberalism of the past decades has blinded us to this danger".

Elmer claims the support of the Left for the mandates and regulations of the biosecurity state are not based on its inherent authoritarianism as many on the Right believe, but rather on its “infiltration by the neoliberal ideologies of multiculturalism, political correctness, identity politics and, most recently, the orthodoxies of woke“. Elmer rightly points out how “no-platforming, cancel culture, misogyny… policing of speech and opinion“ are not rooted in “politics of emancipation, class struggle or wealth distribution“; there is really nothing socialist, in the traditional sense, about those symptoms of totalitarian ideology.


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True. But all the other nation states of all directions are heading that way also.

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Yes, this is a push to a New World Order. 'China and the New World Order' was covered in a report and video made by The Corbett Report in 2014 and I have just found it. At least the last 3 years have brought out the latent journalist in me! James Corbett's report is interesting to read/listen to in 2022 and stands up very well to time.


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Agree. Have been watching James Corbett since forever. He is right on.

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As a child , we are taught infinite love , gratitude, turn the other cheek. This creates a type of codependency with someone who will take endless advantage of your good nature . Resist as best you can...otherwise, one will be holding the short end of the stick . The other end they beat you with .... right into submission !

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I love your exploration of the current fascist economy. When I read that account of the person who was not allowed in to watch, I thought of the paid mercenaries (Bolshevik's) conquest of the peasants in Ukraine (think about that would you in today's context), when it was reported the mercenaries simply isolated the more robust within the peasant communities by rumors and accusations, then they moved in and killed them. Enslaved the rest on "collective farms" or cheap factory labor. The newly minted slaves (workers for the fascist system) got what they deserved I suppose is the result of not being "soul mates". The report said they were amazed how well the tactic worked. Been a fascist tactic, like, since nation state hierarchy was produced 5500 or something years ago.

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Exactly. Now how to cure it prevent it.???

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No cure, no solution. Its complicated to describe fully, but I reduced it down to adaptation. Like get off the train tracks a train is coming fast!

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Head for the garden quick.

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Hahahaha! You learn fast!

If not for yourself, to feed the front line rebels. Or maybe you are a true rebel that needs feeding!

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I am just a seamstress for the band. Musicians or rebels or both? Makes no difference to me or to their need for food.

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This is brilliant KW. You are brilliant. Thank you for being amazing you. 🙏

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Quite a compliment. Guess I will have to keep writing. Only other writers know how it goes.

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