Yes! We are part of this Creation and God is part of us.

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Great article KW!

"Lets just say we are in a race to the finish for our human souls"

I would add that we are in a race to find our souls before the finish of our material being and it's pursuits.. our shallow self pleasuring, in what once was the untouched, beautiful, mysterious garden of Eden.

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Thank you so much. Pray for peace!

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That is so cool that you are a descendent of the founding fathers...They do not teach you all that much about them is school, but last year I took it upon myself to take another look. I learned that they were extremely brave; some paid for their courage with their lives; and others with their wealth. Our founding fathers are exactly the example we need of how to NOT be lazy and compliant.

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No one in my immediate family knew this until I did some good research after receiving some digital files. I grew up not knowing this at all. My grandfather was a child coal miner but made it to California where he met my grandmother.

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You had me at the title, KW. 100%!

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Very cool thanks. I could not resist, lol!

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What a beautiful and thought-provoking piece...The Founders did not foresee that we as a people would be captured by a malevolent technology that distracts and distances us from our hearts and souls and even our ability to reason. We have grown lazy and entitled which is not our natural state. (We would have perished long ago if this were the case.) And you are so correct when you say that we are in a race to the finish for our human souls. I believe that a big part of the problem is our removal from nature as our inspiration. Nature does not simply exist, it claws and climbs to LIVE. We need to nourish our souls and LIVE...thank you for the reminder!

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Nature, has saved me, thus far, not man. I think many of us are sometimes raised to go to others for “help”. What if there are no others? AH…THAT IS THE QUESTION!

I think that is the goal: God/Creator, through Nature (trees, birds, ocean, flowers, ocean, mountains, etc.). We, as individuals, ARE a part of this Creation.

How many actually know this? The World is so beautiful…what a Gift from our Creator!

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Thank you so much. As a descendent of the founding fathers and as an

American I try to keep a balanced view of all they meant and accomplished. Maybe God's plans have a different timetable than our own?

But agree 100% - we must begin to see ourselves as part of nature and not as separate.

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'Nationalism' is so yesterday! Or even the day before.

I'm not saying Trump wouldn't be an improvement, he would, but it would lead right back to 'NAtIONALISM,' and that would be bad. Setting us up for the same old thing, and any idiot knows only fools relive history.

So a way forward!

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Finding our ways - blinded by the light - right?

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It is like this, first the pendulum swings left, then it swings right, and that's the time to scrap it entirely, we only have to make the choice. Not as one nation, but one world.

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Great comment! Agree 100%. We are one people and one world with one creator.

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Thank you so much for restacking!

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