Love this.

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Glad you like it. My directions home are changing. Thanks for the restack.

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"But the moral of this long meandering story is that words and music, rhythm and frequency are inextricably linked. Any steps we can take to tap into this rhythm and frequency as writers will stand us in good stead."

And our individual magic comes about through this.

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It does. Good to be celebrating the good things manifesting in out midst.

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"We as human beings are a magic creative force.

We as creatives - those of us who stride the borderlands between our essential energy as humans and the expression of this energy in words or music or visual art are in a pivotal position to see this magic at work."

Love it. Here we are, daily contributing the heart and mind magic of creativity to the human interconnected digital space, while also connected to vibrating universal stardust.

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Thank you so much for commenting and restocking. We are definitely connected into this grand matrix.

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In the Beginning was the Word. Profound yes, John 1:1, but in Genesis as well- We were Spoken into existence.

This is the same as all Creation, but we were also given one additional core: God Breathed into Us;

the Breath of Life animates both our awareness of Truth in words and communication, and our ability to serve as bridge between mirror & Maker.

Art has soul because Soul is Art and we are a reflection of The Grand Artist like a mirror shows our expressions, even our genuineness in them, but not quite Truth- lest we would die along Romeo and Juliet of heartbreak.

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Great comment.

There is something to all that for certain. But in another sense we are our best selves when being willing to have our hearts broken. Living in the avoidance of heartbreak leads to living without love and in essence counter to the will of god.

The Bible is a reflection of many things but it does not always represent the will of god.

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Thank you so much for writing this. I am a visual artist who’s first love and ambition was music. I can’t even begin to tell you how much music means to me, how many times my life, my consciousness has been elevated by music. Listening to good live music can feel like a deep communion with an ecstatic state. Often my visual art is driven by music. Working alone to make visual art can be rife with doubt sometimes and it’s good to have a reminder that all of our creative efforts make a difference in creating the world we really want.

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Great comment. Thanks for reading!

Believe a synthesis of music and other creative arts is being increasingly manifested. Maybe it will help lead to a healthier culture. Goodness knows we need one.

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I had a conversation with my daughter regarding some of this stuff. She is extremely shy about writing anything personal, even something a simple as who her favorite musician is, say. She says she feels like it gives too much of her away. Likewise she shies away from music. Some weeks ago I read my astrology chart and learned about my North and South nodes: in Virgo (north: the direction I need to take in this life to overcome past challenges, so greater attention to detail and refinement) and Pisces (south: what I was in past lives, meaning likely a great healer or religious figure). I woke up one morning later thinking about my older daughter and had this sudden thought: I was sure she was the exact opposite of me on north and south nodes. I put in her birth information and bingo: Virgo south Pisces North. She's about the most sane well balanced 16 year old you could ever meet....but she struggles with the creative process and trusting her instincts...

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Good comment thanks. It is so difficult to be a parent - especially these days. As I have written before by the time we (or I anyway) figure much out our kids are already grown. Living in a suffocating culture it is natural we flounder about trying to be good parents. Sounds like your daughters are fortunate to have such an involved parent.

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Thanks KW. Fascinating insight into your own personal space & journey. Appreciated. 1Love! Cheers!

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Thanks so much for the comment.

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