Fabulous❣️ Written beautifully. Will save it.

May God’s War Angels descend upon this country, and help us put it right with God’s plan, worshiping Almighty God with love and deep appreciation for our planet, our freedom, and the knowledge that God alone controls the Earth. God’s laws are the laws of the Earth, and of the people who live on it. We must obey his righteous laws in order to be a civilized people. Many in America have rejected God in their actions and deeds. We must call out to our God with repentance, and ask Him to come back to America. We presently are infested with soulless demons ruling our America. May God find us worthy to return to us, and destroy the evil upon this nation. Pray with all your heart and soul to our mighty God , our creator. 🙏🇺🇸

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Yes, pray, pray some more!

God is Great!

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"In the wild creative heart of America lies a fiery crucible of the imagination - and of creative, spiritual and intellectual power - as yet not fully tapped." Yes. We have not yet begun to tap the power of the human heart and the divine light that flows through Nature including our nature.

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Beautiful comment and thank you!

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And that is the opportunity that we have at this time... to discover the power of the heart.

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We do have that - and must learn to use the resources at hand.

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