Aug 27, 2022·edited Aug 27, 2022Liked by KW NORTON

Earth Berm housing (like geo-thermal heating) takes advantage of nature's insulation.

I attended Michigan's first Solar Heating class decades ago and went to two seminars at MSU that were top-loaded with scientists and engineers. At the first seminar, passive solar was emphasized as a small addition to conventional (fossil fuel) systems for home heating. At the 2nd seminar, I was told that it would take 10 years to recoup the cost of a wind-generation system and 100 years to recoup the cost of solar cells for providing energy to a home..

My wife recently purchased a solar generator to help keep the refrigerator running during power outages. Besides that, having south facing windows seems like the best use of solar heating.

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Yes, knew David Wright in California and others who combined south facing passive solar built into a south facing slope, some partially earth bermed.

Yes, cost of solar cells (active solar) is a real concern.

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Concentrated Solar Energy sounds magical and I suspect those who expect to see the world rely on it as a replacement for fossil fuels are victims of their magical thinking. It was nice to see all those pictures of ancient ruins posted and it makes one wonder which modern architectural wonder will survive the Dark Ages to come.

It is easy to imagine all of the USA looking like New Orleans' Jazzland in twenty years.

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Solar (what I call active solar) have innate problems. Passive solar building construction when done correctly is pretty epic overall. Know some pioneers & experts in this field . Small efficient solar structures possible and life-enhancing. BUT, that being said, caves may be necessary.

Yes, if this keeps up all of the USA will look worse than currently worst inner cities. Or maybe some will survive and learn how to build Native American structures.

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The Perfect storm is when there is an alignment of goals by the main instigators of the current globle crisis. Solidifying the allopathic medicine model to it's next higher level, maintaining and expanding political power, achiving depopulation, and moving humanity into a one world government. Germany thinks they will rule, but China will. They are setting down roots strategically around the world.

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Yes, that is the perfect storm. Is the crash of the Fossil Fuel Economy or something else triggering the obvious great fear exhibited by these cowards?

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I think China sees it as a way to bankrupt the Western world.

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Tim is correct - more on this here https://www.headsupster.com/forumthread?shortId=220

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I thought the article had the ring of truth about it. Amazing devices these built in B.S. Detectors. Only time it malfunctions is when I fail to pay adequate attention to the conclusions it hands me.

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Sold Out: How Broken Supply Chains, Surging Inflation, and Political Instability Will Sink the Global Economy by James Rickards is being released November 29. I am looking forward to reading how our global economy will die. I suspect this will join DRACULA, THE MUSIC OF ERICH ZANN, 1984, and THE SHADOW OVER INSMOUTH as my go-to gothic horror stories.

If the courts do not reel in Brandon, there is no point in considering the future - as there will be none.

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Agree it is a stone cold assessment of the dilemma. Wanted to share this more widely to see what bright ideas may appear. Thanks for the book suggestion.

Unfortunately not only Brandon to be reeled in.

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Gavin outlaws petrol cars for 2035. Cost to consumers will be great and to taxpayers more. EV charging stations must. be built for example.

The Green agenda is communist. https://www.ohiocitizen.org/rudolf_bahro

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Agree the Green Agenda is all kleptocratic BS. Electric cars are not the answer to a failure of the Fossil Fuel Economy or much if anything else. There are a multitude of reasons why “they” want to ban gasoline engines.

So if the collapse of the FFE is real - what then?

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Depends on responses. The automobile can be powered with other fuels. Some are even more intelligent than petrol. And less costly. We can build differently. Actually existing suburbanities can transition (as taxpayers demand this at STATE expense) to different fuel sources like Hydrogen, Lithium batteries, air compressor vehicles. Trucking companies can as well. For agriculture probably a return to family farms. With science and intelligence we can overcome. Otherwise, to answer your question-I turn to the inimitable Iggy Pop. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5sSKH0iXWo8

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Either way recommend finding an old car with pre-microchip technology. Finding repair for modern cars in a world possibly free of globalization will be dicey. Any grain based fuel impossible to afford to grow successfully due to energy costs. Lithium batteries, hydrogen fuel?? Cars with solar panels on the roofs?

Other alternatives are things not adapted yet such as much talked about nuclear fusion. (Rocket cars?) There are always horses, lol. Yes, Iggy Pop is a great spokesperson.

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Good points, thanks. The current massive mishandling of the actual climate crisis by replacing it with a fake one is legendary. Also several other issues arising from the out of control madness of our kleptocrats and their many citizen enablers.

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