The Globalists are All jews or jewsuits! and the stars and planets are just lights ✨️ in the sky! NASA does not have any actual real photographs that they don't admittedly say, on their official website are nothing more than "rendered images(fake)," not one. Not to insult your intelligence, but please prove me wrong.

That goes for all photographs of the Globe🌎, too! 🤔😎 🙏🙏🙏🙌 Om Swastyastu!!!🕉 Blessings to all.

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Jul 8Liked by KW NORTON

This is your greatest piece of writing.

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Great praise - thank you so much.

Am endeavoring to tell own version of the truth more simply.

It is a demanding art!

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Thanks for the restack!!

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Appreciate the restack!

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Yes, KW. "The silver lining I see here is that we might finally be led to where we have been headed all along." We must see the silver lining. Recently a fellow journeyer told me that she journeyed to the Cosmic Womb to meet her tribe and learn her task. Her spirit guide, Grandmother, led her into the cave. She was greeted with “you’ve come.” They told her when there is to be something new, something to be born into the world, it comes down the stream, usually — sometimes it can come in the air- and we need to bless it. They showed her how to position her hands over and to each side — cup it in her hands, but not touch it. She was instructed to bless it and send it on down the stream with the words “may you meet that which is seeking you.” Yes. may we "finally be led to where we have been headed all along" finding that which has been seeking us since the beginning....the Divine! And thank you for sharing my post on Earth Angels.

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Appreciate the restack!

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Appreciate the restack!

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We all have time into the election outcome, after that is when it hits the fan

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Thanks very much, again, KW. You continue to do great and vital work! Here's link to a Web-page with four Tracks by Rivers Answers Moons. Somehow these Tracks have all reached the Top 20--Top 12 actually--in Jazz Charts worldwide. I hope that folks enjoy them! I love the Rivers Answer Moons band in all its incarnations. https://www.stickingupforchildren.com/rivers-answer-moons

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Music is great will share some of what I was involved with once we get through the mixing and mastering.

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Beautiful--looking forward!

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Music being featured on Substack hasn’t seemed to really take off as yet.

I think they are a great platform for podcasts and playlists - especially by those who know music!

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I appreciate Substack a lot for the media opiton it offers, KW. Esp. full-fidelity uploads of audio and easy insertion of video. We'll just have to keep growing our reach!

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Jul 7Liked by KW NORTON

I believe there is a three-dimensional chess game being played by multiple goal seekers who have a warped vision of how we should live on earth. Rather than learn to live in harmony with mother Earth, they believe that they can reshape it to their likeness and beliefs. We have the capacity through bio warfare gain of function, as well as genetic reengineering, and the increasing proliferation of atomic weaponry to eradicate life on earth as we now know it, most of our leadership around the world is either ignorant, fearful or complicit with what is transpiring and we cannot rely on them to stop the derangement that is transpiring. I pray for a resolution, but I believe a tragic major events will be the trigger to change direction. How many humans will be consumed in this process will not be known until it happens.

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Absolutely these sick overlords believe they will take the place of God and a harmonious earth.

The wages of the sin of hubris!

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Jul 7Liked by KW NORTON

PS: what happened on Maui in Lahaina still bothers the hell out of me! A microcosm of what to come?

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Thannks again, KW. Two songs came to me in March 2019, "Glory Glory Glory Is For Us All" and "Love Over War". We recorded them as Rivers Answer Moons in 2021 for albums that came out i 2022. They may bear on what you providentially raise here, KW. MALCOLM X / MALIK EL HAJJ EL SHABAZZ wrote in his Autobiography, 'Mankind's history has proved from one era to another that the true criterion for leadership is spiritual.' "

"Love Over War"


"Glory Glory Glory Is For Us All"


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Nice work and thanks for sharing them.

Forwarded them to our musicians who understand jazz better than myself.

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Thank you - appreciate the restack!

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