

The Defeat of Machiavellianism By The Art of War



This essay contrasts the philosophy of Sun Tzu with the philosophy of Machiavelli - or Machiavellianism.

The philosophy of Sun Tzu in the Art of War is deeply psychologically and spiritually intelligent in comparison with the more ham-fisted Dark Triad of Machiavellianism.

Please see my post on the Dark Triad for more on this - and click on the additional links provided.


Once again, these themes have run - as a continuous thread - through my stack of the past few years.

Now, the President of these United States echos these themes of being a builder - not a destroyer - and being motivated by common sense - over insanity .

All through these terrible years I have maintained my status as an apocaloptimist - a word I appropriated from the internet.

An apocaloptomist knows the world is going to hell - but knows everything will turn out alright.

My readers and I have lamented for five long years over the state of America and the world.

We explored how everyone could have gone off the proverbial deep end - and how all of the world - including America - could have run off the rails in such a spectacular train wreck.

As I wrote each day I tried to find the silver lining in all of the doom and gloom - worked hard to imagine what could be - and how, perhaps, something great could come out of these darkest years.

Never in my lifetime have I observed a political figure take a serious stance as a common sense builder - rather than being a destroyer.

Seeing the L.A. Mayor wheedle and prattle - as she tried hard to impress - and to watch Trump just kind of physically wince - but remain unfailingly polite and strengthen his resolute resolve - meets with my admiration.

How many people have any idea how difficult this is to pull off - especially as the most important figure in world politics?

Especially doing so - as the whole world is literally trying to murder you - and to berate all that you are are as a person.

Being treated as if - instead of being a courageous human being - you are a stupid and incompetent and worthless derelict.

Especially when the last words - stupid, incompetent and derelict - happens to describe all of your political opponents - who are out to destroy you.

And he stands fearlessly, calmly, resolutely as he addresses his enemies - unfailingly polite and kind - but sticking to his guns.

All the while, practicing the art of the deal - and the art of war - like a true warrior.

And yes it comes down to basic principles - even buckets - if attention to buckets are what it takes - then buckets it will be.

Finally, after maybe centuries of human political error we have a human being in the White House who understands foundations and due diligence.

POTUS Trump’s many long years as a builder and as a negotiator - and his own success as a self made man - have allowed him to stand head and shoulders above mere politicians.

Because, as an American self-made man - he does not work for their system - and he knows the evil of the system well - and is not held hostage to it like all the others.

Yes, he has been part of the evil system - we all have - the evil system is our culture - our civilization - our world.

The American People have also had enough of the evil system - and have had the personal recognizance to vote the evil system out of office.

And what they have voted into office is the leader - who, like George Washington himself - has been apart of the evil against which he fights - and understands it well.

No one can successfully fight against an enemy they do not understand - a true warrior hold their friends close - and their enemies closer.

My thesis here is that we - as the post WW II generation - have been uniquely positioned to take on the task of defeating the evil system.

If you understand the art of war you will understand why Trump uses the technocrats in his scheme - after all it it nothing to those of our generation - to perceive that not all is as it first appears.

Those who know Sun Tzu’s Art of war are not surprised at how Trump wages war against his fellow politicians who are Machiavellian.

The Art of War reads like a veritable manual of the Trump tactics as he stands against the insidious Machiavellian tactics of his enemies.

Trump plays three dimensional chess - while his enemies counter with a poor game of checkers.

This is war by spiritual and psychological understanding.

Humanity has chosen the correct leader for the transformation into a revolution in consciousness - for that is the true evolutionary future.

The energy which bends the bow is focused like a laser on serving the strength and energy of the release.

And lest someone believe this is evidence of the triumph of East over West - not at all.

The East long ago became Machiavellian and lost total sight of the wisdom of Sun Tzu.

There is little more Machiavellian in nature than the Chinese Communist Party.

And in the fullness of time the West comes full circle to return to the spiritual and natural - to the choice of the wise path of both logic and feeling - over the Machiavellian insanity of logic - unleavened by feeling.

If we make an effort to truly see how the truth and the light get through - we as human beings will successfully and triumphantly negotiate these hours of our greatest need.

My commitment is to pose questions - and try to answer them - which will help us find our way.

I will continue to do this by perfecting my own art and science of the essay - with a few attempts at providing visual and sound representations to augment these.

These times have indeed carried a silver lining and together we will discover what this means.


Before we are done we will understand how simplicity forms the complexity of the universe.

And understand how we are the vibrational intensity of the universe made flesh.

And how we are the universe’s way of understanding itself.

Not a bad outcome - or silver lining - to result from being enslaved by about 12,000 years of Machiavellian insanity.

Celebrate the evolutionary progress - and allow the Machiavellian insanity to die away.

Freedom does not mean there is nothing left to lose - but that there is everything left to lose.

Lose our freedom - and we will lose our minds - and as some Machiavellian said - “A mind is a terrible thing to waste”.

“Lose your dreams and you will lose your mind.”

Not bad for a mere thousand or so words.

Language - like music - and like our biological selves - is built on the vibrational bioelectric wisdom of the universe.

In the beginning was the word.

Seeing the art - the patterns - the five notes - behind the chaos.

Co-Creators - Luminous Receivers & Transmitters

May our creator - the universal wisdom - behind all this - bless - and hold safe from harm all of the peacemakers.