Well, well, well.
Several years ago I wrote that the globalist forces behind the takeover - the coup d’état of the USA and the world - would fail due to the fact they carry the seeds of their own destruction.
This seemed underwhelming and even appeared to be threatening to my readers - and there was little response.
My sense was that I had underestimated the reality of mind control among my fellow citizens.
But now I believe much of the psychosocial reality I had underestimated lies in one of my posts written yesterday:
I am not going to speak to what our current US administration knows - but assume they know as much as I do and more - and in good time will demonstrate this.
I am choosing to trust - rather than be limited by fear and loathing.
All along in the darkness I have been speaking as if to both the people and the politicians - as I believe they are inextricably interconnected - and I am now seeing the results.
When I listed all the issues I had written of which Trump and company now address in the following post
- there were two really big ones I did not get into.
Release of the JFK, RFK, MLK assassination documents.
Countering the globalist WEF-related coup d’état takeover of the world.
I have written about these before and direct readers who wish to see the full picture to my stack.
The coup d’état is like a great many headed hydra beast - with tentacles into every aspect of our lives - and in this year of the snake - the heads of this hydra must be removed.
Because what many of us have known all of our lives - the eight billion fellow souls on this Earth - do not necessarily know.
The truth - as it breaks free of the doom scrolling recursive loop - is now in the hands of the universal intelligence which directs all in the fullness of time.
The universal intelligence which directs all of us, all that happens, and all that is - including our politicians and government - and, lest we forget, the computer algorithms as well.
But we - as living courageous and capable human beings - possessing these unalienable rights - are every bit as responsible as our creator - as God - or the universal intelligence - for our actions here on Earth.
So although I will touch on the political as necessary - my real task as a writer - and as a human being - is to support the transition of us all into what we are meant to be.
Running through my stack like a thread is the recognition that we as humans have been in repeated civilizational collapse - since the end of the last ice age about 12,000 years ago.
Civilizations rose - and civilizations fell - as if a doom-scrolling - closed recursive loop - had hold of our psychosocial reality.
The reason they all collapsed has been due precisely to the lies and deceptions - the agreement to suppress the truth - buried within the system of these civilizations.
The system is the problem - and in a closed recursive loop - a powerful feedback loop - the system protects itself from the truth
And as it protected itself it grew into the monster we have today.
So this year of the snake - 2025 - will be the year we remove the head - from this many headed hydra.
Should we believe this is going to be easy or straightforward - it is time to remove the rose colored spectacles.
What is already shaking the world will shake it further - until the lies and propaganda and propaganda of about 12,000 years - is fully dismantled.
For those who do not fully comprehend what was accomplished at the WEF yesterday - and in the first days of this administration - I recommend they carefully watch and parse the full meeting of the WEF yesterday.
But if anyone fails to get the inside scoop a bit of reading up on Machiavelli and on The Art of War - might help.
And a great short course from our California guy:
I trust everyone understands the odds against Trump - and the American people - and the human species - at work here.
We had better hope this war is won here and now - other wise it is likely another 12,000 years of boom and bust - of slavery of the 1% by the 99% - and of repeated civilizational collapse.
Those who are worried about AI and the robotic technology - must recognize these are already released from Pandora’s box - and thus there is no putting them back in.
Either the politicians - and we, the people - as the rulers of the politicians - rule the technology - or, the technology rules us.
Never before - has it been so very clear.
Plato’s proverbial shadowy writing is flickering on our cave walls - either we see what it portends - or we do not.
As Plato made clear millennia ago - either we engage in the true brilliant - imaginative - outside-the-box thinking of which we are evolved to do - or we remain trapped in the doom-scrolling closed recursive loop.
The future - if there is to be a future, that is - is as follows
The only conceivable sustainable future - is radical comprehensive truth telling - and the evolution of humans into the sensitive and psycho spiritual beings we in fact are. -
What we will become - when we are not busy telling lies to ourselves and others - to protect the evil snake of a system.
My job is to begin to fully appreciate and explore the possibilities of real lifelong learning - that which will allow us all to become the one’s we have been waiting for.
My our creator - the universal intelligence which runs this show - protect and hold safe and free from harm - all of the peacemakers.
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