Today January 20, 2025 is a sacred date and the astrologers have far more to say about the conjunction of energies which create such a day.
The World Watches as a new President becomes inaugurated in Washington, DC - and yet the more things change - the more they seem to stay the same
This is tough, no doubt - and is slated to become even tougher.
Those of you reading this have survived what others could not - and it is deeply troubling to be alive as a witness to what is occuring.
But the choice has been made - we are either one of those who entered the deep time beyond the veil - or we are here to soldier on.
But, for all of us - the veil has thinned and we are now learning new information at warp speed.
Some of it we wish we did not have to learn - as our uncivilized system of civilization crumbles to dust - and releases many untoward demonic energies and situations.
We must recognize that the preponderance of this new information must be viewed as spectacularly positive and represents a significant foundation to build on.
For the greening shoots of the new world are surging into being within - and without - if we know where to focus our attention.
If there has been a theme to my Substack over the past several years - it has been that what we are observing all around us is the collapse of our civilization.
I endeavor to keep the focus positive - as others who do what I do from a purely critical analysis perspective - often have very little to offer on the upside - and little perspective of the actual history which has led us here.
The truth underlying our reality is that every civilization for the past 12,000 years ago has collapsed - as this one is now doing - and predictably - for virtually the same reasons.
It is so easy to be offering a purely critical analysis of civilizational collapse - essentially predicting - and then describing all the different ways - that the sky is falling.
And then taking a political side to offer useless superlatives as to how - by backing a particular political side - we can stop the sky from falling.
But the truth is that we will do just about anything to avoid seeing that the sky is falling - the walls are crumbling - our grand advanced techno-utopian civilization is falling.
And no politician will be capable of stopping this fall - slowing the inevitable damage maybe - but never actually stopping it.
We must remember that although politicians are actors who put on a great show of power - that like much of the dying old civilization itself - this has simply been a compelling circus.
And because the civilization is all Sturm and Drang-
storm and stress - the excessive drama is to be expected.
Because the fall of a civilization is much like a force of nature - and once the foundations begin to crack and crumble - the actual collapse is set in motion - to unfold - as Hemingway wrote - “Gradually, and then all at once”.
We must be prepared for the reality that our civilization is crumbling - and planning how to survive such a debacle as best we can - and to help enough humans survive to be relevant as a seed population for the future.
For the forces which operate the earth and the universe are not always kind and loving parental figures inclined to rescue a failing species from extinction - and certainly not to rescue some weird uncivilized civilizations from obliteration.
If there is a rule to evolution it appears more to be about wrong turns and extinction than successful evolution - but this is the process of which we are a part - and we have no option other than to follow it.
Those who have read this stack already understand the reality of what is happening - and know we cannot expect our politicians to fix what is wrong with 12,000 years of civilization gone wrong.
Politicians - and God alone - cannot fix this - it is we humans - destined to co-create with our creator - who can fix and correct what has been broken.
Whether we see the spirit which illuminates us as God - or as the creator and Supreme Architect - or something else - we can either work in harmony with this animating spirit or we can work against it.
And as we might imagine - working against this force for 12,000 years has not been advantageous for us whatsoever - and is the cross we currently bear.
The cross we bear is the misunderstanding of our position here as the created living beings of a vast intelligence beyond our own.
Rather than accepting the truth - and acting upon the truth - that we are created equal as living beings upon the earth - as the “children of God” - all the elaborate civilized rhetoric and advanced technology we can create - will not disguise the truth.
We have chosen disharmony - and ignorance of the ground rules - and acceptance of a delusional notion that we are somehow in charge.
Our civilization today is a vast middle finger to the spirit which animates us and the universe - and as such anti-evolutionary - or devolutionary - in nature.
And, as such, is antagonistic to the intelligence which reflects the spiritual and cultural and psychological and biological reality of this place.
We believe we are special - and exempt and above the laws and mathematical perfection of the universe.
What is happening here might be described by Christians - and colloquially - as a “coming to Jesus” moment - and within the iconography of our Western civilizations - is accurate enough.
The Christ consciousness is the closest thing we have in Western society to the hero and heroines journey - or to what we might also regard as shamanism.
Whether it is Christ Consciousness - or the hero & heroines Journey - or shamanism - they are all connected as the journey toward comprehending the animating spirit of life.
For Western society Christ Consciousness will serve as an accurate reflection of what our role within this vast intelligence of the universe is actually supposed to be.
But nothing resembling Christ consciousness is what we have built our civilizations upon.
Thus - in the context of our civilizational superstructure - the superstructure built upon a primate dominance hierarchy - where the 1% “elite” of the population lords it over the remaining 99% “also rans” - no balance or harmony - and certainly no Christ consciousness is possible.
We - as human beings have, with free will - invented - and freely agreed to this diabolical and irrational hierarchy - and that reality - 12,000 years later - is now this falling sky and crumbling walls.
Even catching a brief glimpse of this reality of our situation allows us to see that no so-called civilized civilizations currently exist - that these dominance hierarchies do not enrich our lives - offering zero opportunity for health, wealth and prosperity - for anything resembling harmony and balance - and precluding any Christ-consciousness whatsoever.
We have seen, over the past 12,000 years - men and women have become divided from each other - and adults have become divided from children - and adults have become divided and conquered into opposing and warring political camps - as any grip on our actual biological and spiritual realities has crumbled to dust in our hands.
We bemoan the loss of our great institutions - reduced now to ugly and distorted parodies of what was intended.
All of our governments have become mockeries of what the American founding fathers conceived of - all of them nothing but thuggish totalitarian enterprises - where the inequality of the hierarchy predominates and grows ever stronger.
The very idea that any government - or any of the institutions aligned with these governments - or any of the politicians who represent them - would have a care for the safety and well being of the people - becomes laughable.
It is being proven all around us that our vaunted civilized civilizations are anything but civilized - and as grounded in barbarism as any troop of more primitive primates such as baboons.
The very idea of civilized has become now a mockery of itself - a vain and shameful disgrace.
A violent disgrace where death and taxes and corruption and ugliness stalk the earth - where cities burn and crumble into dust - where authoritarian regimes lord it over what remains of us humans.
Where vain and egotistical technocrats - who claim to be intelligent - but who are actually all on the “spectrum” - gloat and preen and wiggle and dance like the bullshit artists they in fact are.
And where as Paul Simon once wrote - “The people bow and pray to the neon Gods they made”.
But amidst the digital cacophony of today’s circus - comes a resurgence of these analog and human - Sounds of Silence.
Is a new civilization possible - or is it back to the Stone Age - if we are fortunate enough to survive?
What is certain is that on our present course we are headed back to the “Stone Age” - except it will not even be as sophisticated as this imagined “Stone Age” - but a dog eat dog nightmare where no humans possess the skills and spiritual ability and knowledge of our actual Stone Age ancestors.
On the other hand a new civilization which does not automatically repeat the errors of the past is possible - if we each take responsibility for upgrading our own consciousness.
For it is our own consciousness which creates and defeats civilizations.
The quality of our consciousness determines far more of our reality than we can possibly imagine from this point of view.
And a people who are living in - and who in fact are co-creating a nightmare - must break free of the mental and emotional and spiritual bonds which keep them in chains.
There are not two ways out of this mess - there is only one - one which has as many inspirational realities as there are individual humans upon this earth.
The fact that is so overlooked as to be invisible is that each human individual is created by the creator - with unalienable rights to be the 100% original - and never to be duplicated - living entity they are conceived to be.
But in a culture of death the individual is regarded as an inconvenient nothing - a being born to suffer and die and to be disregarded as what they in fact are in reality - a creator-created miracle.
Our civilizations do not teach us we are miracles - they do not articulate or speak or comprehend the truth - that we are all miracles - that the universe of which we a part is a living - spirit-animated - blooming, buzzing, co-creating reciprocal miracle.
Because each of us as humans recognizing that we are miracles - totally blows the autocratic nature of our civilizations out of the water - dynamiting the rationale for this diabolical system.
Our consciousness creates both ourselves - and our civilizations - and is either inline with the supreme intelligence of the universe - or is not.
No politicians or governments or institutions - or spiritual leaders for that matter - no earthly entities at all - can work backwards to create the uncreated consciousness which determines our fate.
The whole crumbling haystack more resembles a horror show of the demented - and corrupt - and ignorant - and incompetent - free agency of these domesticated enslaved entities we have allowed ourselves to become.
And to get to where our consciousness can recreate and resurrect ourselves and our world - we will need to drop the egotistical charade that we are capable of understanding it all - and that we are capable of achieving this impossible dream on our own.
Fitting through that eye of the needle Christians describe requires dropping the whole effete idea that we are the lone architects of our world and of our reality.
We are co-creators - and can either cooperate with the harmonic elegance which has created the universe - or buck that idea - and work against it - as some ridiculous lone wolf creator.
Our very consciousness is co-created - as we are not alone - but a part of the universal consciousness which existed long before we came along.
And yes we were given free will to either accept the universal intelligence or fight against it.
A beneficial consciousness - one which works with - and not against the universal intelligence - is based on a full acceptance that we are apart part of this vast universal intelligence - and as such are 100% responsible for co-creating our reality.
Our leaders are not responsible for who and what we are - we are responsible for both who becomes our leaders - for what becomes our civilization - and for who we ourselves become.
It is each of us who is responsible for co-creating the world.
But the time is now - as the truth is breaking free of the old stultified and boring reality of our past - and this truth is becoming our faithful guide to why and how we need to change.
We need to begin shutting out of our conscious awareness those who fail to resonate with the truth.
And only through our own conscious awareness can we even discern the truth.
As we go about co-creating the world - we cannot afford those who still lie to themselves - and who fail to comprehend the majestic nature of who and what humans are supposed to be.
That eye of the needle is described as such for a reason and the straight and narrow path as well - and we must each beware of who we allow to interpret these for us.
For in truth we cannot discern these meanings except through our own experience and imaginations - or the manner in which we each co-create with the universal intelligence.
Each of us is the hero or heroine of our own journey - and each of us the co-creator of our own civilization.
The diabolical truth of where we have ended up and of where we are going if we cannot or will not change is everywhere and should come as no shock whatsoever to readers here.
As we might expect - we are on our own - to either encompass the truth - and to understand our task of co-creating our reality in each and every moment of our existence - or to perish from the earth like the majority of the other failed evolutionary experiments.
Even if I had some magical method of convincing anyone of this - I would choose not to.
Just as we are born into this life headfirst - or feet first - or with some other body part first - we are also thrown unprepared into a diabolical civilization - which we did not create.
Throughout our lives - we either learn to stand against this diabolical creation of a civilized reality - or we cave in and become just another part of the problem.
But as long as we are alive - we have the choice of co-creating - and thus of lifting ourselves - and the civilization we allow to exist - out of the primitive brutality - and into the co-created beauty we may achieve.
Finally seeing - that being a co-creating human becomes the mind-blowing opportunity to become the universe’s way of knowing itself.
Whether we appreciate it or not - we who are here - have been chosen.
Resurrection and co-creation and self determination over uncivilized brutality.
The choice is clearly ours.
The hand of our co-creating entity is always outstretched - always pointing the way toward redemption.
Sistine chapel ceiling.
Burning cities - and fire from the falling sky - or accepting our co-creating reality.
We will advance beyond our wildest dreams into unimaginable realms
Through the madness and the pain
Reach out and touch the hand - you got everything you need - you are artists - you don’t look back.
“Beauty walks a razors edge, someday I’ll make it mine”.
(Bob Dylan, Shelter From the Storm)
Nothing gets forced into being - to have it - we as co-creators must become it.
Necessity is the mother of invention.
And remember that the spirit animates the algorithm too.
No room in our hearts remaining now for the anger and pain and fear.
The exponential universe of our becoming - infinite - geometric - filled with grace and beauty - and expanding rapidly in every dimension - with compassion for self and other.
Yes, even here on these streets of Philadelphia!
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